After having taken this course, students should be able to. Software engineering website hosting course material for cse 403 at the university of washington. Three hours lecture and two hours activity laboratory. New course for 20172018 cse 398498010 big data analytics, r 1. Cse 403, software engineering university of washington. The courses of the cse undergraduate degree is designed keeping two things in. Cse 403, cseee 474, or cse 484 3 additional courses chosen from the 1215 mputer engineering systems electiveslist on the cse website 2 additional courses from the cse core 610 courses list on the cse website a design capstone course from the approved 5 list on the cse website. Computer science and engineering engineering cse offers undergraduate and graduate programs of study in computer science, computer science and business, and computer engineering, along with research opportunities in these fields. Fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. Cse 403, software engineering, spring 2016 software engineering goes beyond software development. Software engineering cse 403 spring 2020 software engineering goes well beyond programming. An srs is the customers assurance that the development organization understands the issues or problems to be solved and the software behavior necessary to address those problems. Cse 403, cseee 474, or cse 484 3 additional courses chosen from the 1215 list on the cse website 2 additional courses from the.
Principles of practice of parallel computing cse 375475 advanced operating systems cse 403 advanced communication networks cse 424 objectoriented software engineering cse 432 advanced algorithms cse 441 or cse 498. Cse 4312 software engineering requirements 1 cse 4312 software engineering requirements. Objectoriented technology center, ibm course contribution college outcome a an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Software product line modeling with uml extensions. The course also comprises an advanced managerial issues regarding the use. Oct 15, 2015 apr 28, 2020 wrapup powerpoint presentation, cse 403. Online courses in computer science are viable options if you want to learn more about software engineering, communication network construction, robotics, and coding theory. Prospects for an engineering discipline of software, mary shaw, ieee computer, november 1990. These selected questions and answers are prepared from software engineering exam point of view and will also help in quick revision to get good marks in software engineering examination. May, 2018 cse 403 software engineering spring 2014 midterm exam. Network security cse 343443 software security system cse 334434 advanced wireless network cse 497. Cs 403 software engineering path testing b tech ii year youtube.
It includes processes from defining a product to shipping and maintaining that product. Cse 403 software engineering 4 fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. To meet the needs and career goals of our unique students, we have designed our degree requirements to be quite flexible, particularly at the 400level. Bs cse program outcomes title author system software an introduction to systems programming leland beck the practice of programming brian kernighan and rob pike a writers reference diana hacker course contribution college outcome a an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Cse 401 introduction to compiler construction 4 cse 402 design and implementation of domainspecific languages 4 cse 403 software engineering 4 cse 444 database systems internals 4 cse 451 introduction to operating systems 4 cse 452 introduction to distributed systems 4. Fall 20 page 6 of 6 cse program outcomes outcome description of outcome 1 an ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, science, and engineering 2 an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. Before you start, please check your copy to make sure it is complete. Programming, software engineering, information technology. Software engineering cs403 b tech rgpv aicte flexible. This course focuses on software engineering for smart, critical, and complex softwareintensive systems. Computer science vs software engineering which major is. Software engineering is the study of how software systems are built, including topics such as project management, quality assurance, and software testing. Topics covered include the software crisis, managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, testing and analysis, software process, and tools and environments. Before you start, please check your copy to make sure it is.
These questions has been prepared for the computer science graduates b. Software engineering fall 2015 projects syllabus piazza office. This document is highly rated by students and has been viewed 315 times. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for cse 403. Software engineeringuniversity of washington open courseware software engineering, programming. It contains 26 questions and 8 pages including this one, totaling 100 points. It contains 21 questions and 7 pages including this one, totaling 100 points.
The software engineering degree requires 124 hours of coursework, including a set of required core courses and technical elective courses in computer science and software engineering and a 2year capstone 79 credit hours, and courses in mathematics 18 credit hours, science 12 credit hours, and other supporting courses 15 credit hours as described below. Cse is an evergrowing field, and a cse degree provides an amazing breadth of opportunities. Cse core 610 courses list on the cse website a design capstone course from the approved 5 list on the cse website 4 credits of college of engineering courses from 4 the. Software engineering cse department offers a unique and challenging baccalaureate degree program in software engineering, incorporating handson learning and an integrated computer science and software engineering core curriculum to prepare graduates for professional practice in a wide range of industries and for postgraduate education. Software engineering sommerville software engineering, a practitioners approach pressman developing objectoriented software, an experiencebased approach, 1997. Software engineering requires strong technical skills, but also strong teamwork and communication skills. Midterm exam may 2018, answers software engineering. Cse 403 software engineering winter 2011 midterm exam friday, february 11, 2011 name. Restr 12689 a 4 mwf 1230120 cse2 g10 just,rene open 48 65 cse 403 a will meet mwf 1230120. It contains 35 questions and 8 pages including this one, totaling 100 points. An introduction to ecommerce principles, theories, technologies and applications. Object oriented software engineering a welldesigned, wellwritten srs accomplishes four major goals. Software engineering lab welcome to cse department. Software engineering goes beyond software development.
Software engineering, engg, sem notes edurev is made by best teachers of. The courses of the cse undergraduate degree is designed keeping two things in mind. Cse 330 software lifecycle, software processes, practice of software engineering for software design and development, and team collaboration in a culminating software project is required. Software engineering cse 403spring 2020 software engineering goes well beyond programming. May 02, 2020 cse 403 software engineering prerequisites restr 12689 a 4 mwf 1230120 cse2 g10 just,rene open 48 65 cse 403 a will meet mwf 1230120. As well as requiring strong technical skills, a good software engineer requires strong teamwork and communication skills. Topics covered include managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, testing and analysis, software process, and tools and environments. Website hosting course material for cse 403 at the university of washington. You should choose software engineering if you are more interested in the handson approach, and if you want to learn the overall life cycle of how software is built and maintained. University of washington cse 403 software engineering spring 2014 final exam june 6, 2014 name. Engineering software engineering university of nebraska. Cse 403 software engineering spring 2014 midterm exam.
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